I am a full stack software developer at Futurice, within the lovely Pirkanmaa region of Finland. We are an outcome-focused digital transformation company, providing technical solutions to clients in order to create meaningful value while staying true to our beliefs. I am comfortable at all levels of the stack and have broad experience with modern frontend frameworks, microservices, traditional backends, APIs and cloud environments such as AWS and Azure.

Previously, I worked at Genevia Technologies as a Bioinformatician and System Administrator; before that, the University of Glasgow, as part of Prof. Darren Monckton’s group. I begun working there in October of 2014, after completing my MSc degree from the same university and at Keio University, Japan. I was the lead designer and developer on a project to deliver a pipeline which automates genotyping of Huntington Disease (HD) data without sacrificing on accuracy. HD data typically produces many artefacts which do not lend themselves towards simple automation. In order to be reliable without observation, and for the software to know when it cannot reliably make a genotyping call, I employ multiple technologies (such as Digital Signal Processing, and Machine Learning) to overcome these issues.

Here you can see me being my normal, highly professional self, on Skye. Me

I also provided statistical advice to colleagues, and developed custom software for specific needs of the group. A further example of software I have written is RefGeneratr, which can dynamically generate a .FASTA reference sequence library of arbitrary triplet repeat units (in both quantity and population). The majority of my work can be seen on my github.

I have extensive experience with computational software and hardware, and am able to resolve any issue (eventually). I have personally built and administrated countless machines, distributed or local.

If you have any questions, or want to know some really good self-deprecative jokes, feel free to email me; check the contact section!